– Basic flourishes that take 2-10 minutes to learn If you’ve ever dreamed of breakdancing (and who hasn’t?), this is enough to let you check it off the list… In this post, I will teach you the basics of footwork. I’ve since found better methods for building on basics in a logical progression. It was almost all guess work and took far too long. Months of bruised hips and humiliation later, I was able to do them. I download horrible written instructions, crappy 10-second video clips, and resolved to learn how to do my favorite move– windmills–before college graduation. I didn’t rediscover breakdancing (aka b-boying, not to be confused with popping or locking a la Michael Jackson) until 1997 when I found a few scattered videos of breakdancing online. I don’t know much about tango, but I do know how hard b-boying is.
Can you offer any tips on learning how to storm floors? Sadly, the minute I go from uprock to six-step I look like a two-year-old trying to find spilled jelly-beans. I’m pretty impressed by your achievements in tango, but what about tips on your first love?ī-boying is a sport I’ve watched and attempted for years. Alas, I was seven years old, and I looked exactly like this reader who left a comment on my tango instructional post: It was 1984 and I was convinced I would be a professional breakdancer. An impromptu b-boying lesson at home after some Bulleit bourbon.